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Series 36.07: 'Extract of a Letter from an Officer...Port Jackson...', 14 April 1790
- Date:
- 14 April 1790, 1892, 1936
- Call Number:
- SAFE/Banks Papers/Series 36.07
- Digital ID:
- IE3223525
- Started writing :
- 14th Apr 1790 12:00:00
- Finished writing :
- 31st Dec 1936 12:00:00
- Subject:
- Ross, Robert, ca 1740-1794
- Tench, Watkin, ca 1758-1833
- Ball, Henry Lidgbird, 1756-1818
- Hunter, John, 1737-1821
- King, Philip Gidley, 1817-1904
- Sirius (Ship)
- Supply (Ship)
- chinaware
- Norfolk Island
- Shipwrecks--Norfolk Island.
- About this item:
- CY 3008 / 892
CY 3008 / 893
Published in the Oracle. Possibly written by Major Robert Ross or Captain Watkin Tench. Includes notes written by the compilers of Historical records of New South Wales, vol 1, part 2 (1892); and by the State Library of New South Wales, 1936.
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