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Series 40.036: 'Letters and Orders', being copy of a letter received by Joseph Short from William Bligh, 28 February 1806
- Date:
- 28 February 1806
- Call Number:
- SAFE/Banks Papers/Series 40.36
- Digital ID:
- IE3233287
- Written :
- 28th Feb 1806 12:00:00
- Subject:
- Bligh, William, 1754-1817
- Porpoise (Ship)
- Short, Joseph, fl. 1776-1810
- Convicts - New South Wales
- About this item:
- CY 3007 / 136
Being enclosure P to 'Statement of Charges against Joseph Short Esqr Commander of His Majestys Ship Porpoise, and Papers relative thereto by William Bligh Esq captain of the said Ship' (Series 40.018), 1 April 1806. Written in the hand of a clerk.
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